Infrastucture in VGR

VGR Infrastruktur
Region Västra Göraland
Gullers Grupp
What I did
Illustration, Animation, Storyboard

Motion Designer/Illustrator: Anna Hedqvist
Script: Lovisa Håkansson

A future saga about infrastructure.

Region Västra Götaland wanted to make a film about the benefits of infrastructure in society. The purpose was to illustrate how the region's infrastructure investments can bridge the gap and bring people, ideas and opportunities together. Instead of being political and talk about infrastructure in a complex and technical manner, we took a more relatable approach and talked about the societal benefits through an individuals perspective.

The concept behind the symbol is that Research Reward help companies push their business forward. In return, survey participants gets a reward.
The digital campain consisted of static and animated assets highlighting various professions that no longer exist in society. This video tells the story of the lamplighter Erik. While the story is fictional, Erik was a real person.

All photos used in the campaign are from Nyköping Municipality's photo archive.