Art Director: Anna Hedqvist
Creative Director: Johan Yilmaz
Copywriter: Amanda Wedebrant
Region Sörmland wanted to run a campaign to highlight the importance of skills provision. Our task was to create a concept and digital campaign that increase the general awareness and desire to keep being employable through education.
Sörmland has a tradition of industrial work, which contributed to the fact that education has not always been necessary or profitable. People in Sörmland don't want an education, they want a job. The world and Sörmland are in constant development and so must we be, as we play an important part in it.
With a positive tone, we wanted to show that education can provide new opportunities and create a better future. We didn't want to stand with pointers, but rather create recognition and awareness with a smile. The concept is based on the fact that professions have always come and gone, but have been replaced by other ones as the world develops.